Oh. I didn't do an #introductions toot. As a communications specialist, that's ..rather embarrassing. Well, I'm Crewperson Taros Kadathran of The #JupitersGhost, a Space Corps vessel. If you're looking to translate a random subspace signal or deliver a holomessage to your dad through hyperspace, I'm your enby. Well, that's as long as my equipment cooperates.
I joined the Space Corps to fiddle with gadgets and see the universe! I mean, helping people is also good. I like helping people, and being part of the Jupiter's Ghost crew has really taught me a lot! But I can't help but get a little excited when my console display reads something like "data received from unknown or unknowable source" because there's a 50% chance it's something cool! ..the other 50% is that my computer is having some sort of meltdown and I need to shut it down before it blows up. At least nothing is ever boring, right?